
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Graphics Fairy strikes again!

Lately I have been seeing Lace Books and Lace Wall Hangings but
I wanted something more useful for me so...
I decided on this pillow. 
I used the "Wax Paper Method" to print right onto some muslin fabric.
So super easy.  You can find out how to do it here.
Then I grabbed lots of the laces that I had in shades of white.
Next I just started layering them over some left over
fabric that I had from making slip covers for my sofa's.
It's a canvas fabric that I wash about 5 times to soften up before I
cut out the pieces for the slip covers.

It is 20x20 inches in size and I love how it turned out.
Since I put the crown on my dining table and have them displayed
throughout my house, I decided on this image from The Graphics Fairy site. 
If you have not visited Karen's site, you are missing out.
You can visit the site here:

If you want to see the image that I used, you can find it here.
Here it is in it's home but you never know I may have to put
it in the bedroom!


  1. That's Beautiful, I love the fact that it's useful! : )

  2. lovely! I will DO IT and not let this get hidden in my pile of gonna dos' Thank you. peg j.


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